Celebrating a Party for Kids Birthday at the Park

laser tag brief

Some parents often choose to celebrate their kids’ birthday parties in parks. And why shouldn’t they? Parks are free to use (or have minimum fees to rent), have great outdoor ambience, and large spaces in general which makes them a conducive for playing birthday party games like laser tag. Need some help in planning a party for kids birthday at the park? Here’s how to get started.

Find a Park

The first thing you’ll want to do is to find a park near you. You’ll want to choose a park that is not very crowded especially during the weekends. You’ll also want a park with a large space where you can play games like laser tag in the park. Check also if there are pavilions available for rent so you can have shade while eating or resting. If there’s one, be sure to contact the park management office and reserve it.

Visit the Park

Once you find a park, you’ll want to pay it a visit. By looking at the park and the pavilion, you can start planning the decorations, seating arrangements and other necessary things. You should also look around and check the proximity to the bathroom, trash cans and others.

Arrive early

You’ll want to arrive early to the park on the day of the celebration. This is so you can have ample time to set up the decorations and the tables. This will also give you some time to do a little cleaning like dusting the tables and seats. In addition, if you plan to play laser tag in the park, the organisers will most likely be there earlier than scheduled in order to set up the gaming landscape. When you’re there early, you can coordinate with them and ensure that everything is according to plan.

Party time

Once everything is set, it’s time to celebrate. Just a few tips. For one, be mindful and considerate of the other people in the park. If you are going to play party music, be sure it won’t disturb the old man relaxing with this book under the tree nearby. If you plan to play laser tag in the park, be sure that your kids and their friends don’t run into other people or invade the other park users’ spaces.

Clean Up

After all the partying and celebration, spend some time to clean up. There are assigned park cleaners, but why wait for them to come and clean up your mess? Remember they’ve got huge park to clean up. Besides, this is a great way to teach your kids about being responsible and the importance of keeping our parks clean.

If you need help setting up a game of laser tag in the park for your kid’s birthday, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Call us up at 1300–529378. You can also leave a message in our contact page and we’ll gladly help you plan an awesome laser tag birthday party for your kid.

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